Tag: crafts

  • Location, location.

    Happy Thursday from the Spellaman Beach House!! It’s a breezy 70 degrees here and we are having a nice break. Well … Maybe break isn’t the right word. Dave is still monitoring work and has had to take a few phone calls … and when my sinuses aren’t driving me crazy (darn you seasonal changes!),…

  • My Weekend In Chester.

      Hi all! I spent this past weekend in Chester,  NJ at the Fall Craft Show.   This was kind of a big deal for me …  as a crafter and as person. I grew up in a household that was decorated in a “country cozy”  style for each season.   My mom LOVES to…

  • here’s the story.

    (the Broken Sugar Bowl block for the Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long) ~ * ~ Why oh why is it so hard for me to blog regularly??? ~ * ~ So …  as I said in the last post …  lots happening here at chez moi.  Let’s see if I can give you the cliffsnotes version!  (do…

  • The Rainy Day Off.

    So sometimes I think to myself, “you should blog more.” Especially on days off like yesterday. I took the above picture on my way out for a stay-at-home latte (as apposed to the work-day latte) and thought, “picture for today’s blog post!” Once home, I loaded up the picture, put the laptop on the prescribed…

  • apples.

      Hi there folks! :) Things over at here in Laizy-Daisy-Land are pretty good!  I am trying and praying for patience and understanding.  I am working hard at not letting my mind and my worries get the better of me.  I am eating better,  letting myself relax occasionally.  I’m still crazy …  but,  you know,…

  • a fall week off.

    i am off this week from work … and i am having the best time!!!   i’m cooking dinner every night … spending time with each of my furbabies … and doing a whole lotta sewing! :)  it’s my perfect week! we were in lancaster over the weekend … and i visited some awesome quilt…

  • life.

    Greetings!! It’s been awhile … Sorry about that. Life just seems to speed up and whiz by me sometimes. But! Here I am with an update and some pictures … And blogging from my phone no less! How thoroughly modern of me, huh? ;-) So first … Suckasunny Day! It was a success! Rain held…

  • diary of a cranky quilter.

    i read a lot of blogs.  i glean a lot of inspiration …  and there is just something neat about reading how other people live their lives.  a little voyeuristic,  yes,  but …  isn’t that why we blog? some of the blogs are REAL.  they show everything,  warts and all.  they don’t just blog the…

  • is this nesting?

    greetings. :) i am a crochet and baking machine! up today was oatmeal chocolate chip cookies … and this is the coaster count so far … with a bunch half finished on the table. oh and if you want to come over and help weave all those loose ends in for me … i’ll pay…

  • dear week,

    i have dubbed thee … COASTER WEEK! my goal is, by saturday, to have as many completed crocheted coaster sets as i possibly can. i am prepping for a little show in September.  it’s a little local festival that i tried to do 2 years ago and got rained out.  i needed to do another…