The Rainy Day Off.

So sometimes I think to myself, “you should blog more.”

Especially on days off like yesterday. I took the above picture on my way out for a stay-at-home latte (as apposed to the work-day latte) and thought, “picture for today’s blog post!”

Once home, I loaded up the picture, put the laptop on the prescribed lap, and …

um …

well … aren’t I just the most boring-est person in the world.

I had nothing to say!!

My life is pretty … boring … and I love it that way! No real drama. I work a job … have all the usual job stresses and worries … ups and downs. Maybe more downs than ups some days … but nothing to write home about.

Nope, nothing blog-worthy there.

I’ve written about my struggles with anxiety and bouts of depression. But on days where the world isn’t crumbling down around my ears … whelp, nothing doing there.

I’m getting ready for a big craft show that I’m a bit freaked out about. But all I can bring is crochet … and I’m working a bit assembly line-like so I’m immersed in crochet pieces right now and have no completed products to show off.

Then I read through my google reader feed to see what others write about … you know, for inspiration.

I follow mostly crafters who show off their WIPs and completed items … Or authors who share stuff about upcoming books or tour dates … Moms who share pictures and cute anecdotes and recipes …

I made pork Shake-n-Bake and Kraft Mac-n-Cheese. I’m really not gonna photograph that and share, people.

I follow a few moms who live in the city and write about fashion! and cute babies! and places to get the best chocolate chip cookie!

I live in the country. I wear jeans from Kohls. The highlight of my day is when I’m home from work, sitting with my puppy and kitty, crocheting on the couch, sipping a Starbucks latte from the Target Starbucks.

Hmmm …

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want things any different. And I love reading all those awesome blogs about quilts and kids and cookies!!!

I’m just suddenly feeling like THIS blog is a bit like a Seinfeld episode.



One response to “The Rainy Day Off.”

  1. Alli Johnsen Avatar
    Alli Johnsen

    That was cute, Jess! The world needs people whose lives may seem boring, we balance out the craziness!

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