here’s the story.


(the Broken Sugar Bowl block for the Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long)

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Why oh why is it so hard for me to blog regularly???

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So …  as I said in the last post …  lots happening here at chez moi.  Let’s see if I can give you the cliffsnotes version!  (do people even use cliffsnotes anymore??)

After lots of thought,  deliberation,  number-crunching,  crying and hemming and hawing …  I quit my job at the bookstore.   This was such a hard decision …  I’ve been there for just about 17 years!  Half my life!!   And,  as much as I love books,  my little store and the people I worked with, the company was changing and I just didn’t enjoy managing anymore.  I felt I couldn’t manage anymore.  I’ve been feeling it for awhile …  but it was definitely time for a change.

So,  we bit the bullet,  took the leap and …  I quit!   At least for the time being,  I’m going to be a stay-at-home crafter!!!   I’ll be working very hard to get this little business off the ground.    I have two big shows lined up between now and December …  and I’ve been crocheting up a storm.   When it’s time to give my fingers a rest,  every now and again,  I sew up a Farmer’s Wife block or two.   I love them and LOVE watching my wall of blocks grow!   This is a picture of my wall of finished blocks minus this one above and another block that I haven’t hung up yet …

I am so so so blessed for having a husband willing to indulge me for a little while …  who supports what I do …  and who has an awesome job so we can actually afford this experiment.   I am so thankful for this opportunity!!!

So,  as I said,  I have two shows lined up for the time being …  and hope to reopen the etsy shop soon.  I have stock to reopen …  but I’m thinking I should wait until after the Chester Show in September.   That show is such a big show …   I want to be as prepared as possible.

Oh and for local folks,  here’s my show schedule so far …

Chester Craft Show

Chester, NJ

September 8th and 9th

Hope Township Christmas Craft Fair

Hope, NJ

December 1st and 2nd

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So …  that’s the big news!

I am also working on some homefront upgrades and organizing …  I have like ten quilty projects in various states of unfinished-ness …  Some blog updates and changes …  I’m working on our weekly meal planning and budget shopping and would love to do a post on that …  working on an Amigurumi tutorial …  oh so many things!

 But all of this will have to wait until after the Chester show.  In the meantime,  between now and September 7th …  I’ll be crocheting my fingers off!  :)

Hope you are all enjoying your summer!  See you soon!



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