Tag: amigurumi

  • Etsy shop update!!

    My Etsy shop has finally reopened! It’s only been like, what, a few years?? But I’ve listed some turtles and have a few more things to list … but my Internet and Picasa are not playing nice! So there is more to come this weekend!! :)

  • so, here’s the plan.

      so, april. huh. seven days into april, to be precise.  and oh how behind i am. (but, to be fair, aren’t i always behind and scrambling??) at the start of 2013 i felt like i had time in abundance to prepare for my spring craft shows.  i had so much time, i spent january…

  • Location, location.

    Happy Thursday from the Spellaman Beach House!! It’s a breezy 70 degrees here and we are having a nice break. Well … Maybe break isn’t the right word. Dave is still monitoring work and has had to take a few phone calls … and when my sinuses aren’t driving me crazy (darn you seasonal changes!),…

  • My Weekend In Chester.

      Hi all! I spent this past weekend in Chester,  NJ at the Fall Craft Show.   This was kind of a big deal for me …  as a crafter and as person. I grew up in a household that was decorated in a “country cozy”  style for each season.   My mom LOVES to…

  • here’s the story.

    (the Broken Sugar Bowl block for the Farmer’s Wife Quilt-a-Long) ~ * ~ Why oh why is it so hard for me to blog regularly??? ~ * ~ So …  as I said in the last post …  lots happening here at chez moi.  Let’s see if I can give you the cliffsnotes version!  (do…

  • Etsy update soon!

      Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I am working on getting my craft show overflow into the Etsy shop!! :)  Watch this space for information and news as to when that happens!!! :) xoxo

  • June 2nd and June 3rd.

    My first major craft show, the Chester Spring Craft Fair, has come and gone … and I must say, I’m pretty pleased with myself!! :-) The weather held out for us even though it threatened thunderstorms all week long! I definitely didn’t have the amount of items that I would have liked … I knew…

  • Well it’s about darn time!

    Hi everyone! Life has been …  busy to say the least!!!  And,  2 weeks ago I got just the most exciting news!  I was accepted into the Spring and the Fall Chester Craft Show!!!  I was dancing after I got that email!  For those of you who are not living in north Jersey,  the Chester…

  • apples.

      Hi there folks! :) Things over at here in Laizy-Daisy-Land are pretty good!  I am trying and praying for patience and understanding.  I am working hard at not letting my mind and my worries get the better of me.  I am eating better,  letting myself relax occasionally.  I’m still crazy …  but,  you know,…

  • crazypants.

    I’ve been a little preoccupied. I have a craft show on Saturday, September 10th. Suckasunny Day, Succasunna, NJ Come on out and buy some cuteness!!!