so i fail at blogging.
completely fail.
i visit other blogs daily and get sad when they haven’t posted for awhile. most of the time, when people don’t post regularly, you lose interest and stop following. and forget about them. and stop checking back because … well, how many abandoned blogs are out there in cyber-space??
so, what do i do? i create a new blog home. tag it as all things me and crafty and quilty and amigurumi. pester my brother until he creates this site for me and buys my domain name. i HAD to have my own domain name. and i post a few times and … lose interest. because i don’t have a “following”. i lack readers. and real commenters. i get plenty of spam … but no real real. and then i lament the fact that i don’t have a blog and “traffic”.
because, you know, i expect things to be instantaneous.
i expect to start a blog … and IMMEDIATELY have a thousand dedicated followers who comment constantly on the wittiness of my posts and amazing-ness of my talent and craft skills.
unfortunately, i’ve always been this way. if i am not perfect at it immediately, i lose interest. i hate that about me … and have tried hard, in a crafty sense, to never let that be the case. try to relax and see the improvement over time rather than lamenting over my less-than-perfectness.

so, i am trying again. i am dusting this ol’ blog off and am recommitting myself to the blogosphere. i WILL figure out how to put my pictures into galleries (one of the things that annoyed me to the point of closing my laptop and walking away). altho i may not be able to commit to daily posts … i am committing to posting more regularly than once a month. i will blog about me, my struggles, my crafty pursuits. i will take more pictures (because i ALWAYS want to do that!!) and post them. i know what i want my blog-space to be like and look like … and i plan to do whatever it takes to make it that way!!!
so …
here we go! :)
follow and comment on me, gosh darn it! :)
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