weekend, sweet weekend.

it’s a rainy and cold morning here this morning on our beautiful mountain.  i am sipping my hazelnut coffee listening to the rain and wind blow through the trees.  i am trying not to think about having to get off the couch and get ready for work in 30 minutes.  i am looking at yummy yummy fabric on etsy and dreaming of what i can make with them … and then thinking i should probably make something out of the fabric i have from my last etsy purchase before buying more … or else my honey may start refusing my spending. :)

i had a truly wonderful weekend … worked on saturday and then had stacie’s fitting and my last try-on for my wedding dress … and i got to take it home!  it is now safely stowed away in the spare bedroom … and the honey has been given strict instructions not to enter under penalty of extreme tickling.  had a lazy saturday night complete with sushi, college football and yarn.  i mean, really, does it get any better??

sunday we had a family visit to pop pop, which is always a blast (but, to be honest, anywhere where a few of us crazies gather together is a blast!!), then dave and i came home, got take out sandwiches, and settled in for football all afternoon and evening.  the jets won (W00t!), i took a nap, i played harvest moon, i crocheted in a very lazy fashion, i ate a great turkey club … it was awesome. :)

this week we have some wedding follow-ups to do … but most of the “doing” is all done! :)  and then this weekend is our bachelor/bachelorette party!  we are meeting the boys for dinner and gambling saturday evening … and probably getting our nails done and having lunch during the day.  i am really excited. :)

i can’t believe how close the wedding is!! 21 days away!!!!   i had a bit of a freak-out this weekend … as calm and peaceful and fun as it was.  getting married again is a scary scary thing for me … and sometimes that fear bubbles over from the place that i’ve locked it into.  lots of what-ifs started swirling around my head … lots of fear.  i love our home, our little life … everything that we have together … so so much … that i am absolutely terrified that if i really relax and enjoy and love, that’s when things will start to go downhill.  i try very hard not to bring dave into my crazy … but i had to last night or i was going to have a meltdown.  and i was glad i did because he talked me off the ledge … and now i feel that i can relax into life and our routine … and the excitement of our upcoming wedding!!! :)  *sigh* it’s so hard being me sometimes!!!

anyway … i’m feeling better.  i had a good visit with my boss friday afternoon.  i had a great weekend.  i have work and then monday night football with a fire in the fireplace to look forward to tonight.  life is good and i am SO unbelievably thankful to God for everything.  he has blessed me beyond belief … and i am so unbelievably humbled.

have a great day, guys!


One response to “weekend, sweet weekend.”

  1. So excited that you’re getting married in less than 3 weeks!!! :-D

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