• hitting the reset button.

    Happy summertime everyone! Is it brutally hot and humid where you are? Because it sure is here! We venture outside to water the garden and the flowers and then hightail it back into our air conditioned home. It’s unfortunate … we have a great yard and live in a nice wooded country area … but…

  • summertime and the livin’s easy.

      two vacations … one long and one mini. one at the beach, one in central pennsylvania. one with some family and friends, one with a fabulous friend and lots of animals. one was free in the family beach house, one was free at a friend’s house … but lots of money was spent on…

  • Happy 2011.

    O sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 96:1 (I purchased a Bible-Verse-A-Day calendar and thought it would be a great way to keep myself in the Word each day … or at least point me in the right direction.  If I need a kick-start a place…

  • balancing act.

    and so, tomorrow i go back to the real world.  the real world shift begins at 1pm.  i enjoy my home time so much that i am really sad to see this wonderful break end.  i am super thankful that i had the time to take and a flexible job that allowed me to take…

  • 6 days!!

    So. I’m going to be a wife in 6 days! I’m … excited, scared, ready, looking forward to my future life, scared, nervous, tired, excited … ok, well, I think you get the picture. :) Dave and I are ready. We both need breaks from our jobs – our only time off this year was…

  • blogging fail.

    so i fail at blogging. completely fail. i visit other blogs daily and get sad when they haven’t posted for awhile.  most of the time, when people don’t post regularly, you lose interest and stop following.  and forget about them.  and stop checking back because … well, how many abandoned blogs are out there in…

  • diary of a hot day off.

    it was hot today.  i mean HOT.  like over 100 ° in the shade.  and we only have air conditioning in the bedroom.  i tried so hard to work in the house – it was my day off and i hate to be unproductive!!  i tried to do a little cleaning, a little straightening, a…

  • my brain is an interesting place guys.

    Had a splendiferous weekend in LBI. We slept in, napped on the beach, visited (and drank!) with friends, took amazing bike rides around some awesome neighborhoods … and now I’m back to the real world. Lately, my mind seems to be in overdrive lately … thinking on everything. Work, life, house, family and crafts ………