Tag: day off

  • The Rainy Day Off.

    So sometimes I think to myself, “you should blog more.” Especially on days off like yesterday. I took the above picture on my way out for a stay-at-home latte (as apposed to the work-day latte) and thought, “picture for today’s blog post!” Once home, I loaded up the picture, put the laptop on the prescribed…

  • a fall week off.

    i am off this week from work … and i am having the best time!!!   i’m cooking dinner every night … spending time with each of my furbabies … and doing a whole lotta sewing! :)  it’s my perfect week! we were in lancaster over the weekend … and i visited some awesome quilt…

  • diary of a cranky quilter.

    i read a lot of blogs.  i glean a lot of inspiration …  and there is just something neat about reading how other people live their lives.  a little voyeuristic,  yes,  but …  isn’t that why we blog? some of the blogs are REAL.  they show everything,  warts and all.  they don’t just blog the…

  • love.

        had two delicious days off filled with family, naps, sewing, and puttering. i’ve created a nice little bubble to live in when i am away from work.  calm. peaceful. right now i’m in my sewing room listening to the soft hum of crickets and the wind rustling the firs. mittens is puttering about.…

  • balancing act.

    and so, tomorrow i go back to the real world.  the real world shift begins at 1pm.  i enjoy my home time so much that i am really sad to see this wonderful break end.  i am super thankful that i had the time to take and a flexible job that allowed me to take…

  • day off #1.

    (Frog Girl hanging out on our rock wall, enjoying the sunrise.) I got so much done today! :) Of course, that’s partly because I was up and caffinating myself by 630am. Yep, Jessica, queen of the 1pm day off sleep-in was up, caffinated and cutting up fabric and felt by 7am. It was beautiful, actually.…