Tag: sewing

  • ~*fall girl*~

    I may be *slightly* in love with the next few months.  I adore wearing cozy sweaters, having a fire in the fireplace every night, hot drinks, knee-high socks and spicy candles.  And, since my newest obsession is taking pictures with my digital camera (which we’ve had for like 3 years!!), my newest love is taking…

  • Etsy update soon!

      Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that I am working on getting my craft show overflow into the Etsy shop!! :)  Watch this space for information and news as to when that happens!!! :) xoxo

  • Sewing in the sunshine.

    I am not a morning person. At all. At all at all. I wish I was … mornings are peaceful and fresh and quiet. Contemplative. A new beginning. But me in the morning? Um … not exactly that picturesque. Think crazy frizzy hair and bumbling around until a caffeine IV has been installed. One of…

  • Goodness how time flies!!

    Why do I struggle so much with blogging? I’ve always kept a journal … but it seems that I have a mental block when it comes to electronically chronicling life. Things are busy and bustling in the Spellman household. In addition to daily life (that I never seem to catch up with! Laundry! Cleaning! Everything…

  • weekend.

    praise the good Lord,  i felt so much better this weekend!!!  i am really so very thankful.  i spent all last night and almost all of today in the sewing room.  i also had a helper much of the day … the house isn’t a wreck,  i sewed,  i slept in …  i am getting…

  • Snow!

    Hello! It’s been one crazy week here at chez laizydaisy!!! Last Saturday we got hit with one heck of an early snowfall. About a foot and a half when all was said and done. It was gorgeous … And Maisie puppy LOVED playing in the snow!! And then this whole area lost power!! For days!!!…

  • Block #1.

    Well, my first Farmer’s Wife block has been completed! Only 110 to go! :p I decided to scrap (haha … Little quilter’s humor there!!) the idea of using solids … because I just wasn’t feeling it. Not sure why. Maybe I felt it would be too busy?? Anyway, I have a nice stack of Love…

  • Oh to be a Farmer’s Wife.

    So! I seem to blog a lot about some people make a crafty, arty lifestyle look so effortless. So second nature to them. Me, on the other hand? Not so much. I seem to have a modicum of skill … But then I have to work HARD at everything else. And that’s cool! I’m not…

  • practice, practice, practice.

      so i forget a lot of times that the adage “practice makes perfect” is actually quite true.  it’s probably why i didn’t stick with many activities when i was younger.  if i wasn’t good at it right off the bat, i figured it wasn’t my thing and moved on.  yeah, practice could make you…

  • a fall week off.

    i am off this week from work … and i am having the best time!!!   i’m cooking dinner every night … spending time with each of my furbabies … and doing a whole lotta sewing! :)  it’s my perfect week! we were in lancaster over the weekend … and i visited some awesome quilt…