

Hello! It’s been one crazy week here at chez laizydaisy!!! Last Saturday we got hit with one heck of an early snowfall. About a foot and a half when all was said and done. It was gorgeous … And Maisie puppy LOVED playing in the snow!!


And then this whole area lost power!! For days!!! Because a lot of leaves were still on the trees, a ton of trees and branches fell, taking out power lines with them. My street was without power from Saturday afternoon till Wednesday morning. My parents got it back just yesterday!!! Some people are just getting it back today!! Crazy!!! So we had a lot of fires in the fireplace … Lots of quilts and afghans on the bed … Lots of quiet nights reading and crocheting. I didn’t mind it too much … But I guess that’s just the pioneer blood in me!!! I was definitely in the minority there!!!

So … Power came back on Wednesday … And I am down for the count with a cold Wednesday night!! Boo!!!! I swear I heard my sewing room whimpering last night!!! :(

But … I’m about half way better today … And I have a delayed Halloween party to attend tonight (some towns postponed trick or treating to this weekend!!!) … And I have a family trip to a NJ Devils hockey game tomorrow … But I am free and clear Sunday (shhhh don’t tell anyone!!!!!) and I plan to SEW all day!!! Farmers Wife and my own projects and some holiday projects as well!! (I may or may not be listening to Christmas music right now …….)

Happy Weekend everybody!!!


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