Oh to be a Farmer’s Wife.


So! I seem to blog a lot about some people make a crafty, arty lifestyle look so effortless. So second nature to them. Me, on the other hand? Not so much. I seem to have a modicum of skill … But then I have to work HARD at everything else. And that’s cool! I’m not complaining!! It’s just my reality!!!

Awhile back Amanda and Angela started the Farmer’s Wife Quilt Along inspired by the book by . I grabbed my copy of the book, dusted it off and decided to give it a go. It’s super laid back … No real deadlines … Just make and share you blocks on the Flickr group! Easy peasy!

So I started. Had to get used to templates as I hadn’t used them since I discovered precuts and rulers!! Then I thought I might use all solids cuz that would be kind of different. I made a few blocks … (blogging from my phone … Will add pics later … Only finished four blocks in solids I think). And I just wasnt feeling it. Not sure if I wasn’t sold on the solids … Or wasn’t using the right mix of colors … Or what.

Also … I kept hearing how challenging some of the blocks are. And if THEY couldn’t do it (THEY just being this unidentified group of skilled quilters that I would never ever be able to reach) … Then I should probably just wave the white flag now.

So … I stopped.

Then, the lovely Mrs. McPorchop posted this amazing blog post and I started to think I might try it again. Haven’t decided if I’m going to stick with solids or try something else … But I’m definitely thinking about giving it another go. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my progress!

Are you a Farmer’s Wife too??



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