Happy summertime everyone! Is it brutally hot and humid where you are? Because it sure is here! We venture outside to water the garden and the flowers and then hightail it back into our air conditioned home. It’s unfortunate … we have a great yard and live in a nice wooded country area … but this weather sure makes it hard to enjoy. Here’s hoping for some cooler temperatures soon!
So, it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged … and I am working hard to remedy that. I have a lot to talk about and share … way too much for a single blog post! I have a few blog posts in the hopper so I won’t go into everything here … but just know, there are some good things in store for Laizy Daisy in the next few months!! :)
I hope to be back sometime this week with the first in a series of blog posts chronicling my new adventure … and I hope you’ll come along for the ride!
See you real soon!
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