Tag: wedding

  • 6 days!!

    So. I’m going to be a wife in 6 days! I’m … excited, scared, ready, looking forward to my future life, scared, nervous, tired, excited … ok, well, I think you get the picture. :) Dave and I are ready. We both need breaks from our jobs – our only time off this year was…

  • weekend, sweet weekend.

    it’s a rainy and cold morning here this morning on our beautiful mountain.  i am sipping my hazelnut coffee listening to the rain and wind blow through the trees.  i am trying not to think about having to get off the couch and get ready for work in 30 minutes.  i am looking at yummy…

  • day off #1.

    (Frog Girl hanging out on our rock wall, enjoying the sunrise.) I got so much done today! :) Of course, that’s partly because I was up and caffinating myself by 630am. Yep, Jessica, queen of the 1pm day off sleep-in was up, caffinated and cutting up fabric and felt by 7am. It was beautiful, actually.…