Tag: fabric

  • fun with fabric flowers.

    Hello! Well, this isn’t exactly the twice weekly update I set out to do … but hey, I’m happy if I can get two blog posts posted in the same month!  Baby steps, baby steps … right? I have so much I want to share and talk about … so I am going to spread it out…

  • a fall week off.

    i am off this week from work … and i am having the best time!!!   i’m cooking dinner every night … spending time with each of my furbabies … and doing a whole lotta sewing! :)  it’s my perfect week! we were in lancaster over the weekend … and i visited some awesome quilt…

  • catch me up!

    hello hello!  :)  i am back from the great beyond!  it’s been forever, you guys!  how’ve you been?  i’ve been supa sick for the past year.  ok, it was only a little over a week … but it felt like a year.  but i’m back, Praise the Lord!!! yesterday i went out shopping for some…

  • for the love of fabric.

    I vividly remember my first trip to Lancaster, PA with my family. I walked through store after store of Amish treasures – colorful quilts, pillows, wall hangings and other fabric crafts. I was first attracted to the colors and styles. But then, when I really LOOKED at a quilt or pillow, I thought to myself,…