new year, new projects.

It’s a brisk 18 degrees today in North Jersey.  I’m huddled under a blanket, I have a space heater cranking it’s warmth at me, I have a kitty huddled in front of the heater and a puppy cuddled up next to me, chewing on her feet (a sure sign that a nap is occuring shortly!). It’s been a weird and rough first 22 days of 2013 … but I finally feel “back”.  Dave had vacation until the second week of January so we saw a few movies (Lincoln!! Les Mis!! The Hobbit!!!), had lazy fun days and watched like 5 seasons of NCIS.  Once he went back to work, I got sick with the crazy flu that is flying around … and was down and out for almost 2 weeks!!  I then started to feel better, got back on a bit of a schedule … and then last week my grandfather got sick and went into the hospital.

Finally, however, I am feeling better, my grandfather is doing well, and I am back.  I am hunkered down under blankets and crocheting.  I have a few great projects, crochet and otherwise, that I am working on and will share with you over the next few posts.  The first up is this afghan.  Hexagons have taken over my Instagram quilty friends feeds … and I’ve seen a few crochet hexagon afghans on the interwebs as well.  I want to have a few crochet blankets done and photographed for shows and my blog … for sale and for examples for custom orders.  I have a granny square blanket that is almost completed … and I thought a hexagon blanket would be nice to have as well.  I had picked these colors out for a blanket months ago … and thought they would be perfect for hexies!!!  These hexies crochet up quick … and the satisfaction of sewing them up as I finish them makes this project appear to fly! :)  Here is my progress after just a few days work …

This is going to be a hard one to part with if it sells!! :)  But I am loving watching it grow.  And I adore this color combination.  :)  I hope to have it finished within the week!!  Stay tuned for more progress … and some more pictures of fun projects!!!


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