giveaway time!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Afternoon folks!  I am just a blogging fool! :)

Just got back from breakfast and have Assumed the Position on the couch in front of football.  Will be crocheting and dozing in front of the fire … and maybe paging through some the crafting magazines I have started to accumulate.  Ahhhhh … I do days off SO WELL!

So I am combining my picture for Project 365 with the pictures I took of my Amigurumi bird for MY FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!  Yay!  Tell your friends!  Tell your friends to tell THEIR friends!

To win this sweet little blue bird the rules are … you must comment on this post.  Just drop me a note … or tell me something you want to do in 2011.  One comment per person, please!!  Comments will close at midnight on January 8th … and I will pick a winner via random number generator on the 9th.  Got it?  So comment and stay tuned! :)

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!



7 responses to “giveaway time!”

  1. Andrea Adams Avatar
    Andrea Adams

    It was so good to see you over the holidays! I would love for you guys to come out and visit us sometime! Hm, something I want to do in 2011 – haha, find a job perhaps (I never did fill you in on the details on that one…maybe when we’re out there in May?)

  2. Melanie Avatar

    Tori’s song about your bird:

    “That is the cutest bird I’ve ever seen & NOW IT’S MINE!”

    It’s better in person of course.

    Love it!

    Mel xoxo

  3. Jess – the work you are doing is amazing and they look wonderful. I enjoy reading your blogs.

  4. SO cute! Like a wee twitter bird!
    One of my 2011 goals is to learn to crochet and quilt. I ordered some books on Amazon and I am crossing my fingers. I am determined!
    I wish I had the stamina for a Project 365, but I know myself too well to even attempt it.

  5. Mef Gannon Avatar
    Mef Gannon

    Yes, the bluebird is simply adorable but he’s not as cute and dear as my purple bird of happiness that is perched perfectly on one of my art quilts! It’s almost as if the quilt was waiting for him! I thank you so much for that!
    Your new bear is very sweet but I noticed he has that “Hello Kitty” disease…he has NO mouth! How do these animals expect to have conversation when you’re sleeping at night?! Must be telepathy… :-D

  6. I am so happy you love your purple bird my Mary-bird! :)

    And yes, my creatures do have the “hello Kitty” disease. It’s a Japanese thing!

  7. OMG!! It couldn’t handle its cuteness and hung itself!!!
    How humorously tragic is that?

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