a wife.

i’m officially a mrs!

it’s pretty crazy how i’ve spent the past few months building up this whole thing in my head … waiting for THE CHANGE and THE DIFFERENCE between me and Dave … and, yep, it’s basically like it was on October 15th, with a little extra hardware on our left hand ring fingers.  :)  granted, we’ve been living together for over a year, bought a house together in april and, because of the past, i was a bit spooked by the whole marriage thing … but, i am glad i trusted in dave and us and God and didn’t let that stop me from going forward and pledging my life and love to dave. :)  i’m so happy and content!!!  i’m so relaxed and free!!!  praise the Lord!! :)

our wedding day was … something to remember.  lots of wonderful moments … but a whole lot of stress and craziness too.  as special and awesome as the day was, i think we are both glad it’s over, we’re married and now we are on vacation. :o)  and back to semi-normal life!!  we will be caribbean bound in a few short days as well … and i just can’t wait to veg out on a beach!!! yay!

and now, i ponder wife-hood.

i think about the beginning of this chapter of my life.  another new beginning … another chance to really buckle down and create the life i want to lead.  i want to be more creative than ever.  i want to stop letting the fear of failure or messing up freeze me into inactivity.  i want to live each day to the fullest … but also letting myself enjoy the laziness.  i want to learn how to cook meals for us!!  i want to learn how to really relax … savoring each and every second of this blessed life!!  we bought as our wedding present to each other a digital slr … and i can’t wait to really learn how to use it.  i want to take a zillion pictures.  really document my life and my crafts.  i want to unclench my shoulders, breathe deep, stop worrying that my life could fall apart at any second, and embrace the life and love God has blessed me with!

i’m so happy … so content … so wonderfully blessed.  thank you to all who have been with me on this journey … the best is yet to be! :)


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