Scrappy Trip Along.

A few months back … gosh maybe it was just after Christmas already?? … a quilting sensation took over my Instagram feed (follow me!! I’m jessicalspellman on there.). It was called the Scrappy Trip Along (or #scrappytripalong if you want to search the hashtag.)  I have a bunch of quilty WIPs … and needed another project like a hole in the head. But the tutorial seemed quick and simple … and EVERYONE was doing … so I caved into peer pressure.

I went thru my stash (because I was trying to be good! and not buy more fabric! and use up some of the pretties I’ve horded over the last few years!) and dug out my coveted and cherished jelly roll of Bliss by Bonnie and Camille.


This line is hard to find now … and, because I have zero ability to ballpark how much fabric a quilt needs … I said in my head, “i’m sure jelly roll = full sized quilt!” and i started to cut!


2 jelly rolls and a scrap bag and a little yardage later, I had my quilt! Ha! Thank goodness for the internet!!

I think the original intent of this quilt was to use up your scraps and strips.  I am bit crazy and neurotic and I love to create the whole quilt, top to bottom, front to back, from the same line (I’m also CRAP at matching fabrics and colors, so.) And since I buy a few charm packs here or a fat quarter bundle there … once I decide to make a quilt out of something, I am usually scrambling around on the internet trying to find more fabric. Such is my life!!


Anyway, the pattern was great … the blocks worked up quickly … I was determined to finish it quickly and not let it linger in the UFO pile … so 2 months later I had my quilt! Pieced, quilted and finished by me! Not too shabby!!


And I use it almost every day!! Best part, right??


The tutorial can be found here.   And, if you need some inspiration, go on over to Instagram and search the hashtag #scrappytripalong.  There are tons of gorgeous quilts there!!



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