happy {nearly} fall!


so am i the only one who is blown away by the fact that it’s nearly the end of september??  i adore this time of year … but, please please please slow down, time!!  i really thought that when i quit my full time job to run my business, that i would feel like life had a bit more of a leisurely pace.  um … instead, i keep thinking, “how on earth did i have time for a full time job??” ;)  i never have enough time for all the things i want to do!!!

the weather is growing crisp and cozy … leaves are just starting to turn … my sweaters are back in heavy rotation (and i can fit into them again!! 18 pounds down since July 4th!! wooooo!!) … hot coffee is the order of the day … and (once we get our chimney swept next week!) nightly fires will be back in season.  i love each season for the awesomeness it brings … but boy, this time of year is my absolute favorite.  i just want to savor each and every second and do ALL THE FALL THINGS.  *sigh*

and even though i have soooooo much crocheting to do for the next few months … i have a few other projects going on because, well, i just CAN NOT resist!!  there are so many awesome things to sew and cross stitch.  i am trying very hard to focus on business … but i have to have a few little fun side projects!!!

what is your favorite thing about the approaching fall and winter season? what fun projects and outings do you have planned?






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